

The Legal definition of a child is a person under the age of 18 as outlined in the Children’s Act 1989. Study Links accommodates students of a range of ages and is AEGIS accredited and matches the requirements of the British Council for being a service provider and placement organiser to international students of all ages studying in the UK.

Policy Statement

At Study Links, we recognise our duty of care towards our students who are living away from their normal residents and without their usual support network.

The Study Links safeguarding policy represents our belief that it is always unacceptable for a child or young person to experience abuse of any kind and it is the responsibility of all adults in contact with young people to safeguard their welfare.

All Study Links employees will undergo safeguarding Training Level 1, Child safe Training and all members of staff and management hold enhanced DBS checks and have been and are regularly involved in British council and AEGIS inspections.  Study Links has a Lead Safeguarding Officer / Child Protection Coordinator, and a Deputy Safeguarding Officer who have been trained to Safeguarding Level 3.


Under 18’s Entitlement

At study Links, we acknowledge that the welfare of the child is paramount and that regardless of gender, age, disability, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation or identity have equal protection from all harm and abuse.

Employees Responsibilities

At study Links all employees abide by this policy which involves directly employed staff, Study Links Student Support Representatives, Study Links Academic Consultants, homestay hosts, and volunteers or interns.  All employees as listed are expected to read the policy and procedures set out and abide by them.



Recruitment Policy

This policy is provided for two main reasons. Firstly, to provide protection for the under 18’s who use the Study Links services. Secondly, to provide guidance for employees of Study Links on procedures that should be taken if they suspect a child or young person may be either subject to or at risk of harm.

At Study Links, we work closely with partner schools and homestay hosts to ensure this guideline is considered and matches. This is including but not limited to the following in regards to students under 18:

Policy Review

At Study Links, we ensure that this policy is communicated effectively and understood by all. We also ensure that sufficient resources are available to implement this.

Roles and Responsibilities

In order to successfully implement this policy certain responsibilities are required as set out below:

Code of Professional Conduct

At Study Links all employees must adhere to the policies involving the standards and behaviours as set out in this document. We ensure that a caring environment is implemented through set procedures and recruitment and training activities being in place.

At Study Links we expect all employees and others working with Study Links to be a role model to all students within their care to create a caring, safe and secure environment for all.





Appropriate appearance

It is important that all employees and others working with Study Links should:

Alcohol, drugs and smoking

It is important that all employees and others working with Study Links should:

IT and social networks

It is important that all employees and others working with Study Links should:



Child Protection

Study Links understands the importance of protecting children from physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect. Study Links is committed to protecting all children by:



Applicants are informed that:

Criminal Record

Applicants that have a criminal record will be judged by the Child Protection Co-ordinator and will consider the seriousness and nature of the offence as well as the nature of the appointment, the age of offence and the frequency of the offence. The disclosure will be discussed with the prospective employee and any decisions made must be in writing and signed by the recruiter and the Child Protection Co-ordinator.



Interested in being a homestay? Request a call.